23 July 2010

The Rev. Reverend David Murray, Detroit School Board Member

I haven't written much lately about the life in Detroit schools because, well, it's summer. I avoid summer school like the plague. Meanwhile 2,000 teachers, including me, are just waiting around to see if we will be called back to work before our lay-offs begin.

But, summer or not, you can always count on the school board to provide some humor. Here are some links to the incredible story of Detroit's candidate for the stupidest officeholder in America. That's right, we're number 1.

Let's start with a clip from hotfudgedetroit.com
Murray is with a group holding signs saying "No."
I saw this picture from a post on dyspathy.com
The discussion of Murray continued in depth two days later on dyspathy.com.

Now maybe you can understand why the Foundations who are making a play to take over the schools in Detroit want the mayor to take over the schools and the school board to be dissolved once and for all. Perhaps people who elect an idiot like Murray twice deserve to lose their vote. 

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