04 August 2011

What a mess! Need continuity help in the Annumpi/Memoirs series.

As I've been writing the Annumpi Chronicles and Finn's Memoirs, I 've been relying too much on my memory. I just read part of AC and found huge problems. A character I'd completely forgotten about did some important things I later attributed to Eduardo Villens. Villens, in the version I posted died from his wounds. This called for some correction. I think I cleaned up the mess.

If you find anything that doesn't make sense, please leave a comment, so I can fix it. I'm going to schedule some time each day to reread the whole project and tighten things up.

PS: I have given in to common sense and changed Villens' first name to Martin. From now on, there is only one Eduardo, Eduardo O'Brien. I will have to go back and change history, but what the hell, I wrote it, I can change it.

I originally used the name for two characters when I read a snide comment somewhere that novelists never have multiple characters with the same name, when in real in life it happens all the time. I thought I'd be different. Bad idea.


maryb said...

you can have two characters with the same name if each one has a different identifying adjective. Big John and Little John. Proper Dave and Other Dave. Mary Contrary and lambowning Mary.

When I have time to go back and reread I'll keep continuity in mind.

And yes I'd LOVE to see you both in October!

Teach313 said...

I did overstate the case, but the two Eduardo's have taken on a major role in the story and I can't of think of good identifying adjectives that won't get silly after a while.

"Lambowning" or is it "Iambowning" ??? Either way, I'm going to have look that up.

I just remembered "I'm Larry and this is my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl."

Teach313 said...

Got it "Lamb-owning." Mary had a little lamb.

A little slow this morning.