15 March 2010

Mr. Bobb Ups the Ante

On the day that Peter Graves of "Mission Impossible" fame, Mr Bobb steps into the role with his Academic Plan for the Detroit Public Schools. (It would be rude of me to point out that Bobb, the Emergency Financial Manager, was ordered by a Wayne County judge to stay out of academics. So I won't.)

Last Thursday, those self-appointed saviors over at the Excellent Schools group released their roadmap to educational Nirvana. They state that by 2015, 90% of Detroit kids will do everything good and decent.

That's not good enough for our Bobb. He sees the 90% and raises. Bobb's plan will produce a world where 98% of Detroit kids achieve all things wise and wonderful.

The report out of the Excellent Schools camp is that when the said 90% they meant 99.999%. The wanted to go the full 100%, but decided to shoot for a more realistic target.


Family Man said...

Hi Teach,

I've read you posts back to where the kid drew a gun on you. I'm so happy that nothing tragic happened. I really don't know what to say except that I'm happy you are OK.

OK I do have something to say. No job is worth your life. From what you've written about how your school is, it's hard for me to imagine a place like that. About a month ago we had a substitute teacher gunned down on the front steps of our high school. Her estranged husband did it. Although it wasn't a student, it was still violence at a school. I don't know the answer for all the violence, but as I said, no job is worth you getting hurt or worse.

I sincerely hope that things get better for you. Tell KS I said hi and please be careful.

Take care,


Teach313 said...

Nice to hear from you, FM. KS and I were hoping you'd get back online. As for school, well, what can I do? I live in a dying city that won't go quietly into that cold, dark night. There will be blood here, there is everyday. I didn't plan on taking the risk I did. Something happened and I found myself acting. I don't put myself in harm's way other than by working in a public school in a violent, angry city. These are the times we are in. Something is dying in America. I hope whatever comes of these ugly, painful times is worth all the pain.